How To Know Which Leather Jacket Color Is For You

How To Know Which Leather Jacket Color Is For You

Buying a quality leather jacket is no small task. Many options exist, and sorting out the genuine from the fake takes time. The few options you are left with after this won’t be cheap either. For the strong style statement it brings, and the extended period it will occupy in your wardrobe, I dare say, it is a worthy investment. What does a leather jacket say about you? For a man ready to make this investment, a question persists, which leather jacket color is for you?

Color speaks a lot about your personality. Therefore, the answer to the question "what color leather jacket should I buy" is to be found with what character you portray. With leather jackets, however, you rarely get it wrong when you stick to the classics and keep it simple. Thus, here are a few classic leather jacket colors you should consider.

Wearing a colored leather jacket is a fun and stylish way to make a statement. Unfortunately, it isn’t easy to pull this look off.

Do you find yourself drawn to colorful leather jackets but feel that they might not look as good on you as they do on everyone else? Are you getting tired of a classic dark brown moto jacket? Are debating between red and black leather jackets? Have you seen people on the street or on the train with these jackets who look great but forget to ask where the jacket was purchased? Do you have a color leather jacket but don’t really know how to wear it?

Luckily, I’ve put together this guide, so you can feel comfortable and stylish every time you try your jacket on. It’s easy to wear these jackets once you know the right formula for wearing them for every occasion.

Black leather jackets

Black Leather Jacket

Long are the days when black was only worn at funerals. Today, black apparel portrays extremes. Punk and Goth personas, remember? It is the power of elegance, sophistication and authority.

A black leather jacket can be used to make various statements. For instance, if you want to bring out your “badass” self to the masses, this is the jacket for you. It will speak tons about you, of your power and intelligence yet at the same time conceal and promise mystery. Consequently, I do agree with the popular opinion that it can be a lady’s kryptonite. If yours a persona similar to a spirited rock star, or that of an individual who travels on his own path and is the authority, you will wear the jacket well.

If you prefer a more formal look too, the black jacket will do. The color possesses a more modern appearance and commands authority more than any other leather colors. For this reason, it should be your preferred jacket for formal events. Just make sure it is the right cut and fit without the extreme modifications rock stars at times put on their jackets. But one thing seems to persist, the ever long debate: black vs brown leather jacket.

Brown leather jackets

Brown Leather Jacket

Brown is associated with an adventurous spirit. When you wear it, you exude stability and smartness as it portrays you as being grounded and solid. It is best worn when you need to work hard or be better organized. When purchasing a brown jacket, you will have two options to choose from; light and dark brown.

  • Light Brown Jackets – They are often to be found worn by people in the field, on the plains or by archaeologists about to go rogue. A huge plus with light brown coats is the varying colors it will acquire with continued exposure to the sun and rain. If you frequently wear cowboy boots, a light brown leather jacket is perfect for you.
  • Deep Brown – A dark brown jacket works just as well as a black one to intensify your look. Brown does, however, have an advantage over black as it’s a bit more suburban. It is also likely to match with more of your shoes and belts effortlessly as well as bolder pastel colored shirts.

Regardless of light or deep brown, both would be excellent choices for the outdoors. Brown jackets are more casual compared to the black jacket; thus, a brown jacket would be a perfect everyday outfit. For some it's not even a question when choosing leather jacket colours: black or brown leather jacket?

Red leather jackets

Contemporary Leather Jacket Colors

Although black and brown are the main choices, modern fashion has brought with it colored leather. The result has been more leather colors to don such as grey, red, tan, dark green and even white. These colors experiment with different aspects of masculinity and how much an individual is willing to push his. All the same, if you feel drawn to a more wild color, and you have the guts to pull it off, feel free to try. You should note though, that very few men accomplish the look.

For versatility, black and brown remain the top choice. If you are shopping for your first, genuine, leather jacket, avoid colored leather, like gray, red or army green; at least for now. Black and brown will be more acceptable even if worn almost every day. Picture wearing red leather daily for a week, people would notice, and not in the good way that elicits compliments.

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Red Leather Jacket

If you want to really make a statement with your outwear, go for a leather jacket with an extremely bold color. Stay away from the typical blacks and browns, and go for a stunning red.

Pair your red leather jacket with black jeans and a cool band shirt. Think Michael Jackson’s Thriller era… get it? It’s an edgy look that can be easily pulled off with a spunky personality. Go ahead and make MJ proud.

White Leather Jacket

A white leather jacket just spells ultra chic. Go for a subdued look and pair your jacket with black trousers, cream-colored blouse, and some fine jewelry. Think modern and elegant, something you would wear to Paris. It’s a simple look that can be achieved if you wear the appropriate accessories.

Blue Leather Jacket

An electric blue leather jacket should make quite a striking fashion statement. Though popularly worn by women, a leather blue jacket when worn by a man simply means he knows his fashion. Blues are best paired with black and white, but if you want to go bolder, you can also go for yellow, orange, and red.

How to wear a leather colored jacket

A leather jacket is not just another piece of clothing in your wardrobe. More than any other apparel you wear, your choice of jacket will matter as you will be making a statement. Follow these easy steps to perfect your leather jacket game:

Step 1: Begin researching your style

Finding the right colored leather jacket style isn’t easy. You’ll need to first do some research before you start your search for the perfect one. The easiest way to begin your search is by looking online and in real life. You’ve probably seen plenty of people on the street wearing these jackets and never inquired as to where they purchased them. Start asking everyone you spot with a leather jacket where the jacket was purchased.

If you really love a jacket, don’t be shy! Ask the person where he bought the jacket. You’ll also want to start researching your potential jacket online too. Do a Google search for colored leather jackets to start your inspiration search. Check out leather jackets on Pinterest and in magazines to see how celebrities rock them. Make notes of everything that you like and why you like it. At Independence Brothers we offer a nice range of colors for your classic leather jacket.

Step 2: Choose a style inspiration

You don’t need to recreate the wheel to decide on a leather jacket style! You can simply copy the style of a celebrity. Once you begin looking online, start making notes on the celebrity styles that you’re attracted to. Notice how celebrities wear colored leather jackets.

You might be surprised at what you find! You might even notice that you’re drawn to a style you never thought you might have enjoyed before.

Step 3: Think about the color you’d like

The hardest part about wearing a colored jacket is choosing the color! Start brainstorming the colors you might like to wear. You’ll want to think about your favorite colors and also the colors that look good on you. You may want to have a professional do a full color analysis on you before making your decision. Or, ask some of your friends what colors they think look good on you. You may love one color (but that doesn’t mean it looks great on you).

I used to love wearing orange. Yet I have dark red undertones in my skin and discovered that orange doesn’t complement my skin tone. Buying an orange jacket wouldn’t have done me any favors and wouldn’t have looked good on me. I ended up buying a lavender jacket that really makes my green eyes pop!

Leather jacket style

Step 4: Begin researching stores

If you simply set out one day to start trying on jackets, you might feel overwhelmed with all of the options. It’s easier to start making lists of where you’re likely to find jackets you love before you set out on your shopping spree.

You can do a quick Google search to find stores that sell jackets that fall in line with your style inspiration. Luckily, most stores advertise their products online, so you simply need to look at their online store to begin your product research.

Step 5: Visit each store to try on jackets

You’re going to want to try on as many jackets as possible before making a decision. You’d hate to have buyer’s remorse because you bought a jacket prematurely before checking out all of your options. You’re going to want to try on all of the jackets on your list and then some more. Ask the sales associates if they know of any stores that sell colored leather jackets.

When you’re trying on the jackets, try to get a good look at the color quality of each jacket. One of the downsides of a colored leather jacket is that the jacket can lose its color if the jacket hasn’t been dyed correctly. Make sure that the color isn’t rubbing off the jacket and that the supplier has used all-natural dyes to create the color. Jackets can lose their color or fade in the sun if not dyed properly.

Take as many photos as possible when you’re trying on your jackets. Ask the sales associates to take your photo as you try each one on. You’ll need these photos in the next step when you converse about your potential new jacket with friends and family members.

Step 6: Converse with friends

Show your friends and family members your photos and ask them what they think. They can make a more accurate decision of which jackets look best on you. Specifically ask them about the colors. Ask them what they did like and what they didn’t like. It’s important that your friends are as specific as possible with these answers. If you don’t know why they don’t like a jacket, you might end up buying a different jacket with the same problems as the jacket they didn’t like. Try to get your friends to agree on one jacket that they like the best.

Step 7: Choose an ensemble for your jacket

Once you’ve purchased your perfect jacket, it’s time to choose an ensemble to wear with it. Go back to your style inspirations for more ideas on how to wear your jacket. Does your celebrity inspiration dress the jacket up or down? Does he wear it with jeans or with dress pants? Is the jacket worn with similar colors or is it worn with contrasting colors? What types of accessories does the person wear with the jacket? What do you like about the way the celebrity wears the jacket?

Now, go to your own closet to begin looking for pieces that are similar to the ones the celebrities wear with their jackets. You can go shopping for more clothes for your ensemble, but you might find that you have plenty to wear in your own closet.

Different leather jacket colors

Step 8: Find some accessories

Leather jackets were made for fun accessories! You can turn to your style inspiration for ideas on what types of accessories to wear with your new jacket. Try to look for scarves, necklaces and vests. You may even be able to pull off wearing a sweater underneath your jacket. Try to get as creative as possible. You can always as your friends and family later what they think.

Step 9: Take your jacket from day to night

Leather jackets are fun because they are so versatile. They can go from day to night very easily. If you want to take your jacket from day to night (or night to day), try some of these tips:

  • Dress your jacket up with a pair of dress pants
  • Dress your jacket down with a pair of jeans
  • Dress your jacket up with a cashmere scarf
  • Dress your jacket down with a knit scarf
  • Add some tassels to your jacket to add some western flare
  • Wear your jacket in place of a suit jacket to a fancy event

Step 10: Begin considering another jacket

Once you’ve mastered the joy of one colored leather jacket, it’s time to buy another. You’re going to get very addicted to wearing colored leather jackets once you get the hang of wearing them. Try repeating some of these steps above for more ideas on leather jackets. Or, try buying the second jacket on your own. You’re more comfortable with your leather jacket than you might let on. Keep your eyes open for new style ideas and celebrity style inspirations. You might just even inspire someone else to want to buy a colored leather jacket.

Colored leather jackets

This topic is so important to me because I too had a difficult time wearing different color leather jackets. I used to feel uncomfortable and silly when I put one on. Luckily, I figured out the formula, so you can discover how easy it is to wear them too. I hope you now feel comfortable buying and wearing your jacket. If you enjoyed this tutorial, please feel free to share it with others who need a little extra help!